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CareTicker Splash.03.png


- Product Designer

- UI Designer

- UX Researcher

Project Deliverables

- Wireframes

- High Fidelity Visual Design

- Interactive Prototypes


- Figma

- Zeplin


Careticker is an app designed to help expectant mothers organize issues around their pregnancy. The app used social networking to let users notify groups of friends, medical professionals and others, with updates on milestones. 


  • Timeline to show milestones that had occurred during the pregnancy.
  • Checklists
  • Scheduling appointments and a calendaring app
  • A search feature to find specialists integrated with maps
  • Articles / content, curated for each given trimester
  • Social networking to inform family and friends with updates, milestones, invitations etc. 

Final designs

Final Designs.png

Personas and journeys

As part of the design process, I distributed a persona and user journey, of our target users to Management and Dev. As the team rolled out new features, I wanted them to look at the persona and user journey to ask questions like,
"How would Julie update friends on milestones to her pregnancy?"
Careticker Persona.julie.png

Flow diagrams

Before mocking up CareTicker, I worked on the information architecture for the app. 
This helped the Dev team not only see the number of screens expected, but also how data would flow.

Preliminary sketches

I worked on sketches for preliminary screens for the app.


Created in Figma, this diagram shows maps microinteractions to screens in the app.


For the first round, 8 users were given tasks and interviewed about their experiences afterwards. Overall people liked the feature for posting milestones. Two users had some trouble activating posting. I streamlined the information architecture a bit, retested and received better results. 

A new set of users were able to share and post milestones successfully. Other features of the app received marks of
4 to 5 stars out of 5.

Design variations

Screen designs went through three rounds of revision based on user feedback. 
Designs moved from a green to a pink palate, with larger buttons for easier interactions.
Variations on Design_04.1.png

Final designs


Thank You

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Copyright © 2025 - Joe Wahrhaftig, All rights reserved
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